Thursday 22 February 2018

How to Stay Safe if You Are Female Solo Traveler

Travelling is always fun, relaxing and enjoyable. But the joy of traveling is more when you are alone. These days many young travel cum bloggers are undertaking solo journeys. Solo travelling is indeed a great experience that you wouldn’t have had otherwise. But wait here’s the reality check. Solo traveling is not all so glossy as it may appear in pictures and videos.

Travelling alone can be a life
threatening experience. Be it men, or women, safety is a matter of concern for any solo traveler. But if you are a women solo traveler in India, you need to be alert. However, that doesn’t mean one should drop their solo traveling plan. Travelling alone is the best experience to give yourself. All you have to do is remember few tips and tricks before you choose a destination and look for flight offers.

Inform your family about the travel plan, route & Destinations

Share the full travel plan with your family, friends, and spouse. Also, inform them your travel location as per the date. If you can't get all the details, don’t worry, mobile phones will take care all that.

Learn Basic keywords of Local language

Today knowing any local language is very easy. It’s an important tool to know what the stranger around you is talking. Especially in an emergency situation.

Know your mode of transport very well

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Choosing the safest traveling option is essential to ensure your safety. Know all the safe mode of transportation. It can help you figure what to do if you are stuck at midnight in a shady train coach.

Keep the documents and emergency numbers on cloud sites

Scan all important documents like passport, ID cards, hotel booking receipt, and others. Saving them online keeps them safe and easily accessible on time.

Apps & accessories to make your travel easy 

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From flip-flops with pockets to apps for learning the local language, there are lots of things to make your ride easier. Urination device for women is another such essential for female travelers. Know all such device and apps and get all of them.

Keep the money in secret pockets

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Getting the money stolen is a constant worry on travel journey. So don’t forget to add secret pockets in your bag. It can be used to save money or any other valuable item secretly and safely.

Learn self-defense to protect yourself
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Women must learn self-defense even if not heading any travel journey. It’s the best way to rescue yourself from a dangerous situation. For solo travelers, this is even more important. So get proper martial arts classes and learn to save yourself.

Dress like locals

The dressing is the best way to detect whether you are a foreigner or a local. By dressing like local the chances of getting in a fraud can be easily minimized. Plus it's the best way to respect a local culture and be a part of the society.

Watch your drinks

Too much of Alcohol is a dangerous sign. Especially when you're in a foreign land, that too alone. So watch your drinks to be alert and safe in an unfamiliar place.

Take local advice and know all local emergency numbers

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Rely on locals while traveling to new destinations. For further security, keep a list of local emergency numbers. This includes local numbers of the police station, hospital, medical store, grocery, and so on.

Travelling alone is a great experience which shouldn’t be missed. However, as far as the safety is concerned, no trip is 100% safe. So solo women traveler journey is no different, just remember few tips and stay safe and alter. Have a happy solo journey ahead!

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