Monday 23 July 2018

Why Traveling Through Train is the Best? Top Reasons!!

Being a traveler, I had experienced a lot of trips, by bus, by flights and of course by trains. But, the thing that made me comfortable during the long journey is obviously the train. And I am pretty sure, this is not only my story. Every two or three individual prefers traveling by train due to plenty of reasons. Without wasting much of time here, let’s know the top and obvious reasons, why traveling by train is the best.

Image result for trains

Well, you can look for the train booking coupons online to be into the budget while carrying a trip.

1.Free from Sanity

To catch up a flight you have to go through a lot of formalities. From check-in to boarding to luggage checking, everything is on the list. And believe me, all this is not that easy as it seems to be. The whole process nearly takes 3-4 hours of your time. On the other hand, a train trip involves nothing of this. You just have to arrive at the respective station to board the train with tickets. 

So which one is better? Decide yourself!!

2. Cost Effective

Well, this is one of the obvious reasons why railways are called the lifeline of the country. Basically, it suits everyone’s budget. Whether be middle-class men or a business class personality, train booking is everyone’s cup of tea. The tickets are affordable and you can choose the berths according to your priority and budget. 

3. Plethora of Routes

If you are a Delhi/NCR resident, then you could understand this point better. There are a lot of trains that make their routes from the capital city. No matter what, you would always manage to get the route to travel, unlike the other means like flight or buses.

4. Sense of Comfort

The seats on the train are more comfortable as you don’t have to put your luggage bags in your lap. Also, you don’t have to sit for hours by carrying the weight of your stomach. Moreover, you can lay down on your seat and stretch the body for that comfort. No extra efforts and you can continue your journey for hours. 

5. Stable Fare

If you are a frequent traveler, then you might be definitely aware of the unstable price of the flight and buses. Basically, the fluctuating fares depend upon the time of the booking. Also, the fares are more at weekends as compared to the weekdays. But during the train reservation, the scene is not so. You don’t have to bother much for the price as you will find the same on Monday as well as Saturday. So, you can carry the hassle-free journey anytime.

6. No Wastage of Time

Unlike airports, you don’t have to be available 2-4 hours before the departure time. I save a lot of your precious time. Just make sure you reach the railway station half an hour before the departure time. In this way, you will be on the safe side if an emergency occurs. 

7. You can connect with the charm

Trains are that means of transport that could make you connect with the old days. You cannot deny the fact of traveling by train since your childhood. This is also the reason why you prefer this kind of travel. 

Also, there is no issue in using the washroom unlike in flight and buses. You can carry a friendly ride on the trains. 

Moreover, the above reasons are not enough to convince you. So, start looking for the train ticket booking offers in order to save more during the travel trip. Because at the end budget matters, no matter how much amount of comfort you are getting. 

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